Greetings to our investors and community from the team at Mars4! We're pleased to announce that February has closed in a big way. This month has seen the release of the Mission: Red Wreckage event, DAO votes for new product ideas, an AMA with Nick, a prize drop for our most active MCC users, the establishment of Alliances, a partnership with IQ Protocol, and the release of the Titan Mk.II robots.

This month’s achievements have been varied and perhaps none were as surprising as the arrival of two new events. For the first, the team distributed 5 blueprints to each of the top 50 most active players on the Mars Control Center. For the second, we introduced a narrative-themed event providing our players a chance to purchase lands at a premium alongside bonus resources and NFT assets such as the Shrike V7.
February was further marked by the release of the Titan Mk.II, a range of robots from Classic to Legendary that form the basis of a unified production chain. These robots go from taking raw resources and refining them, to using those refined goods to craft components used by higher tier constructions and machines, to ultimately preparing and completing complex weapons. Their reveal went hand in hand with the AMA hosted by Nick and Dziugas early in February.
Additionally, the month saw Mars4’s team and community cooperate with the future development of the game via a new DAO vote. The vote was held to allow for NFT owners to submit ideas for new products they would like to see in the Mars4 games with the top 3 votes being accepted by the team. As well, the team’s efforts to expand our worldwide community was improved by a partnership with IQ Protocol.
Finally, a further change was introduced to the Mars Control Center with the introduction of the first ever alliances, allowing players to form cooperative groups. No doubt our players have already found ways they can work together to maximise their opportunities for themselves!
With February behind us, it seems that the year continues strong and that Mars4 will continue to bring forth greater benefits and positive changes for our community across the world. As always, we’re thankful to have you onboard with us, and we’re keen to deliver our best to you.
From Earth to Mars.