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Mars4 Patch Notes: Antoniadi

Version: Antoniadi (5709 hotfix1)

Release Date: 11.07.2024

New Features

Karkanda Sentry: Security on Mars

The Karkanda Sentry is the first word in urban pacification on Earth. On Mars, it is the first word in protection and preservation. Its heavier armor affords greater safety for onboard colonists, protecting them from the hazards of Mars' worst climes and radioactive regions. The Sentry also provides the same excellent capacity for mining on the Martian surface meaning colonists can enjoy an industrial vehicle ensured to protect the futures of their colonies. Create security for yourself on the surface with your own Sentry!

The Electronic Scourge

Across the red planet, the threat of the Mk.1s has blighted the formerly desolate and pristine landscape. Take up weapons and engage twenty seven new Mk.1 variants spread across three tiers. The UN has hoped to leave the past buried, but it falls to colonists to seize the future for themselves from the wreckage of this new foe.

PvP Arena Building System

The ultimate solution for settling disputes. When colonists want to hash out their differences, there's no better way than by stepping into their own personal battleground on Mars. This decor set, crafted from floors and foundations, offers versatility—it can be utilized and repositioned as desired. However, each NFT permits a maximum of 25 pieces to be assembled at any time.. Build arenas and settle scores across your lands.

Building Decay System in Multiplayer

As part of the ongoing efforts to enhance performance, a building decay system is being implemented in multiplayer. The team is keen to make sure that these changes do not adversely affect our players who are enjoying their journey across the face of Mars too heavily. All buildings except landmarks in multiplayer will now feature a decay timer of 24 hours. Landmarks feature a decay timer of 3 weeks. Any non-Landmark building built within the protection radius of a Landmark will not decay. Colonies built around Landmarks can thus still be preserved without forcing colonists to constantly check their bases.Additionally, the center of each map will feature a master decay sphere. Buildings within this radius will not decay at all.

Note: any time any of the landmark owners (could be a clan member) logs in within the specified time, its timer resets.

Performance Optimization

This next stage of network performance optimization introduces significantly faster building loading(at least 10 times faster), lower latency, reduced delays with character turning when rotating the camera, and improvements with shooting weapons, opening/closing inventories, and dragging items. Note: Players may still face some stutters during building loading and character movement states in multiplayer. The team is aiming to fix these issues at the next stage of game performance optimizations.

Character Animation Overhaul and Improvements

Faster, smoother, better. Players will find their colonists coming to life as never before with the new character animation overhauls and improvements. The team’s efforts have been focused on creating more fluid and dynamic animations for colonists, from movement patterns, to jumping, landing, mining, running with tools and weapons, and even shooting! This overhaul should breathe new life into colonists wherever they are on Mars.

Updates and Bug Fixes 
  • Reworked the night sky. The stars at night will now have a higher resolution and look more natural.

  • Added the ability to build wall mounted items on door and window frames (splitters, lamps etc.)

  • MCC achievements added.

  • Added Mars4 logo to loading screens when a saved game is loading.

  • Fixed an issue where the reset keys button would not work.

  • Redefining keys doesn’t allow you to assign the same key to different actions.

  • Fixed an issue that caused the SMD interaction icon to remain visible when a machine's inventory is open.

  • We’ve restored vehicle life supports. Colonists that enter vehicles with 0 oxygen will no longer have their health drained until they die.

  • Fixed an issue with the inventory of battery powered buildings (battery slots were not showing up).

  • Fixed an issue where health wouldn't restore when you get damaged on generated lands.

  • Fixed an issue where already built buildings and mineable ores would float above the ground when continuing the game on Mars4 Lands.

  • Fixed a bug where the master volume resets when you press ESC (calling menu).

  • Fixed an issue where the hoverbike sounds would not be muted when master volume is set to 0.

  • Fixed an issue that caused robots to spawn near the player’s spawning area.

  • Optimized replication and rotation of the solar panels.

  • Fixed a multiplayer bug where mineable ores would become indestructible.

  • Fixed a bug where it was not able to call a drop pod after saving and loading the game.

  • Fixed an issue where pets and personal chests inventories would become unavailable.

  • Fixed a bug where it was impossible to attach domes to the walls.

  • Fixed an issue with broken electrical sockets of some machines.



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