From the vast depths of the Mariner Valley to the enormous volcano of Olympus Mons, the largest and most dominant landmarks of the Martian landscape have been labelled out of bounds for the UN’s colonisation programme. Initially, the United Nations hoped to spread out the waves of colonists across the surface of the planet to ensure that plenty of land and resources were easily accessible to the numerous hopeful people making their way off Earth. Additionally, by spreading colonies across the planet, the UN was able to make sure each colony could remain autonomous and self-sufficient, but still within range of help should misfortune strike.
Rather than the parcels of land defined by UN mapping satellites, the ‘Rare Lands’ as they were known, were defined by the Martian feature that they encompassed. Everything from craters twice the size of the Alaskan Arcology to near continental-sized volcanoes could be found on the Martian surface. The Rare Lands have been long coveted by colonists even prior to the arrival of the First Wave.
Naturally, these lands offer huge potential to colonists seeking to build deep, networked colonies and present a lucrative opportunity for those choosing to settle on Mars. For the UN, these lands present a potential political threat (due to agitation from potential colonists seeking valuable lands). Colonists looking to build a vast metropolis will find all the space they need either atop Mars’ largest volcanoes or between the deepest ravines, or even the largest craters.
Each Rare Land offers the very best Mars has to offer.
It is up to colonists to seize them.